- Scouting
- Why Pack 141?
- How often are meetings?
- How much does Cub Scouting cost?
- Uniform Requirements
- How do I register my child?
- Who can I contact if I still have questions?
The Boy Scouts of America is one of the nation’s largest and most prominent values-based youth development organizations. The BSA provides a program for young people that builds character, trains them in the responsibilities of participating citizenship, and develops personal fitness.
For over a century, the BSA has helped build the future leaders of this country by combining educational activities and lifelong values with fun. The Boy Scouts of America believes — and, through over a century of experience, knows — that helping youth is a key to building a more conscientious, responsible, and productive society.
The Scouting program is divided into Councils by geographic region. Councils are then divided into local Districts and individual Units. Rutland’s Pack 141 is part of the Quinsigamond District of the Heart of New England Council – covering more than 60 communities in central Massachusetts.
Why Pack 141?
The leaders of Pack 141 know that families are busier than ever. We all cherish time spent with family. The new Family Scouting Program now provides boys and girls access to this excellent character building and leadership fostering program.

We have a lot of fun!
Our leaders are passionate about scouting and the many opportunities it provides our kids to experience with other kids. How many chances do your kids get to sleep on a battle ship with their buddies? How about race Pinewood derby cars against your friends. On top of that, we take hikes, learn to ride bikes, and learn to work with tools and pocket knives. All this is done in a safe nurturing environment.

How often are meetings?
Den meetings
A group of 5-8 boys or girls of a certain age, grade and gender make up a den. Boys and girls are in separate dens. Dens typically meet twice a month. Pack 141 may have more than one den for a given rank. This gives families the flexibility to pick a day that works better for their schedule. Dens are lead by a trained leader who will work with families to decide on the day of the week to meet. At the start of a school year, new dens are being formed and leaders are being recruited. It may take a couple of weeks for a den leader to reach out. If you ever have questions or concern reach our Cubmaster at cubmaster@rutlandpack141.org
Pack meetings
The Pack consists of all the dens combined under the Pack 141 unit number. Pack meetings typically occur once a month. Pack meeting are a time for the each den to share what they have been working on and to get recognized for their efforts with an awards ceremony. Alternatively, a Pack meeting may be a event such as a picnic or camping trip where all dens are invited. Pack meetings scheduling will vary. It is best to view the Pack calendar to see when the next Pack event is planned.
How much does Cub Scouting cost?

When compared with other activities kids can engage in today, Cub Scouting is a bargain! With each new scouting season, there will be some initial expenses and reoccurring costs. Pack 141 helps our scouts and their families to keep the cost as low as possible through our fundraising efforts. Here is the cost breakdown for a new scout joining our pack.
Here are the major costs we need to cover as a Pack for 2024 – 2025 Cub Scout season
Posted Sept 2024: See how our national and council fees breakdown. (click here)
- Registration for new and returning scouts: $165 each scout
- Returning scouts will receive and email from national on their anniversary date.
- Leader & Committee Members: $83 each leader/member (the Pack pays these costs instead of the volunteer)
- Advancement (bare minimum for rank requirements): $55-$70 depending on the rank per scout
- Operating expenses: Venue rentals, food, prizes, entertainers, supplies, special recognition (trophies, medals, etc.), etc.
To cover these costs, This year’s dues will be as follows:
- All scouts (New members/returning): $165 (council/national) + $65(pack) = $230.00
To offset each family’s costs and motivate parents to volunteer, we’ll offer the following fundraising opportunities:
- 100% of a scout’s popcorn profits (45% of sales) goes to the scout in the form of Scout Bucks
- 100% of a scout’s first aid kit profits (40% of sales) goes to scout in the form of Scout Bucks
- Food Truck sales: Pack keeps 50% of profits and the other 50% is split among the workers in the form of scout bucks.
Leadership has some added perks
- As a den leader you get to choose when the den meets
- As a den leader you direct what the kids will cover when (while staying in the program)
- Our Pack covers the $83 adult registration fee of a registered and trained leader
- Our Pack pays for any training camps the parent wishes to attend (BALOO for example)
- Our Pack will pay $100.00 of your child’s registration costs.
National/Council dues are required at the time of registration. Pack dues of $65 can be paid at time of registration, but must be collected by December 1st for your recharter. This is much later than we normally collect dues so that families can build up their scout bucks. Just like last year, we have several ways to pay:
- Check made out to “Rutland Pack 141” (mailed or dropped off at my house: Gus Panagakis, 94 Main St., Rutland, MA 01543)
- Cash (dropped off at my house)
- Venmo (@RutlandPack141)
- Online: https://cub-scout-pack-141.square.site/
- Scout Bucks
Optional charge: $15.00 Scout Life magazine subscription.
Some families opt to only add for one child and share with siblings.
Uniform Requirements

The Class-A uniform is an important part of Scouting around the world . Years from now, your kids will hopefully see how being part of Scouts BSA was also being part of a global scouting scouting community. The scouting uniform is one of the most recognizable uniforms around the world.
The Cub Scout Uniform
Wearing uniforms has always been a key part of the Scouting movement. Parents should emphasize to their Scouts the importance of wearing the correct and complete uniform on all suitable occasions. Uniforms help convey:
- Equality – The uniform represents a democratic ideal of equality. Boys from various cultures and different economic levels wear the same uniform and cooperate as equals.
- Identification – The uniform identifies a boy as a member of the Cub Scouts. Badges on the uniform tell other members that he belongs to their den, pack, and council. The uniform itself identifies a good citizen to the entire community.
- Achievement – The uniform displays badges and other awards so the accomplishments of each Cub Scout can be immediately recognized.
- Commitment – Wearing a uniform is a constant reminder to each Cub Scout of his commitment to the ideals and purposes of Cub Scouting: duty to God, loyalty to country, and helpfulness to others.
Where to purchase Uniform Items
Online Official BSA Scout shop
Class-B Pack Tee-shirts

The Pack Tee-shirt is not required but highly encouraged. It keeps the pack looking uniform and staying comfortable in a high quality tee-shirt.
Pack 141 Class-B tee-shirts are ordered periodically. To keep the price low, we need several requests to place an order. Please reach out to your den leader if interested.
Additional help
NOTE: We do offer scholarships for families who can’t afford the full dues amount; however, to be eligible, you’ll need to volunteer and help us with activities and/or fundraising. Please reach out and let us know how we can help: cubmaster@rutlandpack141.org
We hope that we’ll see reduced COVID restrictions this year and more volunteers to get our fundraising back where it used to be, allowing us to reduce dues next year.
*Each Boy’s Life Subscription must be paid for.
Our Pack’s scouting program runs from Sept-July. National and Pack dues cover from January to December. Typically, Packs will pro-rate dues based on when the child is register into a Pack. Pack 141 waives the prorated Pack fee and will cover your child’s national registration fee with council for the remainder of the calendar year (Sept-Dec). This is a added benefit for scouting with Pack 141 and a lot simpler to keep track of 🙂 If joining later in the next calendar year, we will pro-rate the registration cost.
Uniform Cost: ≈$90.0 (Family responsibility)
Here is the breakdown of the uniform costs. Pack 141 often has uniform pieces donated from families that have crossed over to Boy Scouts or have outgrown items. Ask your den leader or leader for more details.
- Class A shirt- $25.00
- Class A pants- $25.00
- Class A Belt- $10.00
- Class A Cap- $15.00 (optional)
- Neckerchief slide – $6.00
- Neckerchief – $9.00 (optional spare)
These items can be purchased at:
How do I register my child?
Great question! We are glad you ask! The best way is to talk with one of our leaders. We will encourage you to bring your child to one of our den meetings or upcoming pack events. During your visit you can fill out a paper form.

Online Registration Now Available!
Who can I contact if I still have questions?
If you have any more questions, please reach out to our Cubmaster Scott Keevan at cubmaster@rutlandpack141.org